banner dark mode coming 'very soon,' Microsoft says

Dark themes are everywhere nowadays, and Microsoft has been slowly adding them to its own lineup of apps and services. And it looks similar the next on the list to get the treatment is none other than

In a post on its Outlook feedback forum (via The Verge), Microsoft confirmed that it is indeed hard at piece of work on a night mode for, and information technology should be coming "very before long." However, the company says that information technology'southward taking its time to go things right. From Microsoft:

One reason for the filibuster is our insistence that we deliver the best Dark Mode of any leading email client (y'all'll empathise when you see it, I guarantee). The sneak preview you saw last year at Halloween was a paradigm that required a lot more work to be ready for prime time. We've redesigned the colors and code multiple times and are proud to enter the terminal stretch.

Equally yous can imagine, dark mode is one of the most requested features, not only for but across Microsoft's apps and services generally. Darker themes have been gradually rolling out beyond the company's apps, with To-Do being the most recent to switch off the light. With the hope that is to get a dark mode "very soon," it looks similar y'all may soon be able to bank check your inbox on the web without burning your eyes in the dark.


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